The ABCs of Breastfeeding


The ABCs of Breastfeeding is divided into four sections:
– things to consider before birth
– beginning to breastfeed your baby
– continuing to breastfeed comfortably into the future and
– developing your own happy ending

Each section is split into chapters and each chapter ends with an A, B and C of breastfeeding
which summarises what was covered in the chapter and provides easy-to-review points. The
book is also thoroughly referenced with each chapter covered in the notes at the back.

Stacey Rubin is a nurse and lactation consultant in private practice who has breastfed two
children. She has used her practice as the basis for this book, which gives its examples and case
studies a sense of reality. They cover all those questions that regularly come up during Series
Meetings, including sleep and returning to paid employment. The author has views which mirror
La Leche League’s and more than once, she recommends contacting La Leche League.

The US background of the author is obvious in the references to American obstetric practices, and the use of doulas, but the breastfeeding information is internationally relevant.

Original review, printed in Aroha Volume 13 Number 1

The ABCs of Breastfeeding
By Stacey H. Rubin
Published by AMACOM, 2008
Reviewed by Andie Collett and Donna Henderson
This combined review written by Jill Allan, LLLNZ Book Review Convenor.

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